Among the manifold health risks of increasing Air Pollution Control; one of the most emerging ones is the risk of contracting the fight COVID-19. People living and working in high-pollution areas are more likely to have compromised respiratory, cardiac, and other systems; and are therefore more vulnerable to COVID-19’s impacts. As the particulate matter has the potential to act as carriers for contagion leading to rapid spread over larger areas.

Such Air pollutants are mainly generated in the industrial areas due to various industrial processes (i.e. raw material sourcing, product manufacturing, maintenance & repair services, and distribution). Especially the industries like smelters, steel mills, foundries, boiler making, laundries, brick kilns, glassworks, textiles, bakeries, and power stations often encounter the issue of toxic hotspots.  Consequently, implementing proper air pollution control equipment & systems are mandatory to curb the air pollutants; produced by mobile and stationary sources across a wide range of industries.

Fight Covid-19 with Symbiosis Air Pollution Control Equipments

So let us see how Symbiosis Industrial Fans and Blowers help prevent the spread of coronavirus while improving the air quality and people’s health.

  • With vast experience in the manufacturing of ventilation fans & systems, Usha Die Casting Inudtsries specializes in offering-
  • The most impactful engineering control method for improving and maintaining the quality of the air in and around an industrial environment,
  • Highly efficient, customized Industrial ventilation applications for small to large industrial as well as commercial applications.
Air Pollution Control Equipments in Surat
Whether you need an air pollution control system to treat atmospheric discharge or require a definitive plan to improve indoor air quality, UDCI will assist you in building your air quality control strategy .  
  • SYMBIOSIS offers extensive Fumes Exhaust Systems Designs to cater to HSE requirements of manpower working in Dusty / Hazardous / Toxic Fumes and Smoke area for Industrial and Commercial environments.
  • These Air Pollution Control equipments have applications in a wide range of industries for preventing the release of chemicals, vapors, dust and filtering and purifying the air within the work environment. Typically, fans or blowers direct industrial exhaust and emissions into the air pollution control equipment and systems which remove or reduce air pollutants through the use of one or more of the following processes:
  1. Combustion (i.e., destroying the pollutant)
  2. Conversion (i.e., chemically changing the pollutant to a less harmful compound)
  3. Collection (i.e., removing the pollutant from the waste air before its release into the environment and atmosphere)

While there is a wide variety of air pollution control equipment and systems available, the suitability of each type in any particular industry is dependent on several factors. Some of the considerations that industry professionals should keep in mind when choosing an air pollution control device include:

  • The type(s) of air pollutant(s) needing removal
  • Pollutant removal and reduction efficiencies

As the development work of vaccines of Coronavirus is still in progress, the only way to stop it from spreading is to know its symptoms and take necessary precautions. One of the proven ways of it can be implementing reliable air pollution control equipment to provide a healthy work environment.

Contact us to install Symbiosis air pollution control equipment and keep your employees safe by minimizing the risk of infectious diseases like coronavirus.


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